Vocational Assessment

Workplace Health

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A Vocational Assessment is an objective evaluation of an individual’s current and expected capacity for work, their experience, qualifications, transferrable skills and vocational goals, which helps to identify suitable job options. A Labour Market Analysis may also be completed to determine which of the job options are most viable giving consideration to the location, job demand, income and market trends.

When an injury or illness may be preventing a safe return to work in your pre-injury role or workplace, a vocational assessment is a valuable tool to guide the next steps to returning to work. The assessment is conducted by a qualified rehabilitation counsellor or psychologist, under the supervision of an Approved Workplace Rehabilitation Provider (WRP).

Experience and Transferrable Skills

Often we are poor at understanding our own capabilities and skills. Our expert team will use a proven interview techniques to uncover the skills and knowledge an individual has developed throughout their life. These skills may come from previous work, but also personal endeavours and experiences. Transferrable skills can be quite broad including:
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Collaboration
  • Multi-tasking
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Creativity
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Attention to Detail
  • Computer Literacy
  • Leadership
  • Written and verbal communication
  • Research skills

Vocational Counselling

Our experienced team of Rehabilitation Counsellors and Psychologists may also provide vocational counselling to help establish realistic employment goals, explore new opportunities and help individuals restore their confidence in finding suitable employment. 


Eligible workers may also be able to access support for training to develop new skills or qualifications to transition into a different role eith r with their pre-injury employer or somewhere new. Your rehabilitation consultant will help identify if this is a effective and available pathway to return you safely to work.

IOH is a participating member in the Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association (ARPA). ARPA fosters communication in the rehabilitation industry to promote and advance recovery, restoration, return to work and return to independence of people with injuries and diseases. Our involvement with ARPA is our commitment to providing our clients with best practice workplace rehabilitation.

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