The difference between IOH manual handling training and others is that your session is customised and practical and is delivered by an experienced Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist or Exercise Physiologist. Our trainer will conduct an onsite visit to your workplace prior to delivering the training, to discuss your manual handling hazards and risks and to observe workers performing their usual manual handling tasks. Photos and video will be taken of manual handling tasks being performed. These will be incorporated into the session. From the observations made, incorrect techniques will be addressed with recommendations for improvements. An optional ‘unscheduled’ follow up observation visit is made by the trainer approximately 4 weeks after the training which encourages people to keep applying the newly learned techniques over a period of time. This assists in sustaining changed practices and preventing people falling straight back into their old habits.
Many injuries could be avoided if correct manual handling techniques were used or tasks were modified to remove continuous repetition, poor posture or a prolonged static work position.
This training assists workers and managers in reducing the risk of injuries specifically related to exposure to hazardous manual tasks in the jobs they actually undertake.
IOH recommends up to 15 participants maximum per session due to practical activities. To enable quality training, grouping workers from the same workgroup who perform similar manual tasks per session is advised. Mixed groups can be accommodated however this is not the preferred arrangement.
We offer the following 4 options for the delivery of customised manual handling training:
Option 1: Customised Practical Module (1 hour)
(Certificates are not provided for this option, unless requested. The fee is $5.00 p/p)
Stretching and Strengthening:
- The use of stretching and core strengthening in preparation for hazardous manual tasks
- Activity to practice relevant stretching and core strengthening techniques
5 Manual Handling Principles:
1. Assess the load and journey
2. Maintain good posture and alignment (abdominal bracing using core muscles activity)
3. Adopt a wide base of support (Eifel Tower V’s Leaning Tower of Pisa)
4. Keep load close to body (Loading on spine and arm leverage activity)
5. Control the lift and activity
Manual Handling Hazards:
- Notifying employees of identified manual handling hazards in the relevant work area
- Notifying employees of relevant Safe Work Procedures and aids/equipment available to relevant work area (to be discussed and identified at site visit by IOH with Companies Representative)
Photos of Relevant Work Area Manual Handling Hazards:
- 8-12 pictures of the department are reviewed
- Facilitator to ask participants what the hazards (in relation to the 5 manual handling principles) are in these photos
Video of Manual Handling Hazards:
- Video of clients staff member completing a manual handling task the ‘wrong/commonly practiced way’
- Facilitator to ask participant what the hazards (in relation to the 5 manual handling principles) are in this video
Practicing the 5 Manual Handling Principles (30 minutes):
- Facilitator to identify a manual handling task undertaken in the relevant work area and prompt participant(s) to complete the task using the 5 manual handling principles
- Facilitator to observe the participant(s) and provide feedback, correcting practices observed if required
A Follow-Up Session (optional) is conducted by the trainer, approximately 4 weeks after the practical training, to observe participants implementing newly learned techniques. This has the added bonus of workers knowing they will be observed again, which encourages the sustained application of correct techniques. A brief email will be sent to the company outlining the trainer’s observations.
Option 2: Customised Practical/Theory & Quiz Module (2 hours)
1.5 Hour Extended Practical Module plus 20 minute Theory Module plus 10 minute Quiz
(Certificates are provided for this option)
Practical (as outlined above with extended times for activities) plus the following:
Manual Handling Legislation:
- Understanding rights and responsibilities of workers and the PCBU under WHS Act and Regulation, to ensure a safe workplace for all
Manual Handling Injuries:
- Common manual handling injury sites and current statistics related to manual task injuries
- Types of manual handling injuries – how do they occur?
- Overview of the structures of the back and how to protect it during hazardous manual tasks
Follow-Up Session (optional)
Conducted by the trainer, approximately 4 weeks after the practical training, to observe participants implementing newly learned techniques. This has the added bonus of workers knowing they will be observed again, which encourages the sustained application of correct techniques. A brief email will be sent to the company outlining the trainer’s observations.
Option 3: Management Module (1 hour)
Designed for supervisors and managers who have completed one of the above Modules.
(Certificates are provided for this option)
Manual Handling Legislation:
- WHS Regulation 2011
- National Standard for Manual Tasks 2007
- Hazardous Manual Tasks Code of Practice
- Review the Code of Practice to identify any areas for improvement, familiarisation with helpful tools
Risk Assessment:
- Using 4 step process and hierarchy of control to manage manual risks in the workplace
- Conduct a risk assessment on identified hazardous manual task at workplace
Option 4: Tool Box Talk and Practical Activity (1 Hour)
(Certificates are not provided for this option, nor is a visual presentation).
- An IOH Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist or Exercise Physiologist will arrive on site 45 minutes prior to the talk, so as to observe workers performing key manual handling duties
- The presentation will include discussion regarding the reasons for warm up, stretching, posture and correct manual handling technique. The facilitator will demonstrate and lead a group practical exercise with relevant warm-up stretches and correct manual handling techniques
Call us for an obligation free quote on the above options.
Further Information
IOH can produce posters and other material to assist you in creating a complete manual handling program and ensure safe manual handling stays front of mind.
IOH also offer the Nationally Accredited Manual Handling – Follow Safe Practices (HLTHSE204D). Please note this is not customised.